He says that some couples know when there’s a problem in the relationship when their partner calls them by their first name. So if your crush has given you a nickname, it’s because he has a soft spot for you. This exclusive-dating process means your lives are starting to become naturally more entwined.

If a person has been in a lot of situationships or flings that burn out fast—as opposed to relationships that are meaningful to them—they might not be interested in the latter. “These partners will exit relationships before they are able to get more serious,” Cohen says. You don’t know what you did wrong—and you don’t even think you did something wrong. But sadly, this breed of dater does, in fact, exist. First of all, don’t get overemotional about it yet. You might wonder if you should give him the big ultimatum about your relationship status, let it slide, or have a conversation about mutual respect and expectations in a relationship.

He doesn’t put effort into getting to know you more personally.

This really opened my eyes, and gave me clarity as to the way forward. There was no choice but to move on and forget him. I had started school for my masters and I went abroad for a semester exchange. Things were good and I felt happier than I had in a long time. But there was always a void, something missing. I don’t know what was going on on his end though.

He Knows That He’s Not Boyfriend Material

As you spend time texting, it can be easy to develop fun inside jokes. If you have a little secret with him, no matter how trivial, that’s a big sign he’s got a soft spot for you. If you hear from mutual friends that this dude continually finds excuses to bring you up in conversations you’re not part of, you’re definitely on his mind. Talking to others about you clearly shows he’s fighting feelings for you. The reason he would be jealous about you talking about other guys is not related to the guy you’re talking about but more to him.

They were able to pinpoint exactly what was holding her man back from wanting to be in a relationship, and not only that, they helped her get through his protective Oneamour mobile login barriers. Within a matter of weeks, he had already asked to make things official. After all, it’s generally not easy for men to share their feelings with you.

Letting you decide all the way could mean apathy. Is he really interested in what you guys are sharing your moments together? Not being able to count on the person you’re dating is a very legitimate reason to show them to the door. Maybe you’re both traveling all the time for work, or living in separate cities. Even then, there’s no real excuse for not keeping in touch.

Read on for signs that a serious relationship may not be in the cards. First, let’s take a step back and look at the relationship as a whole. If not, then it’s likely that this is just a case of him taking things slow or being afraid of commitment. If you can keep these things in mind, you’ll be able to navigate this complicated situation with ease!

He stands-up for you when someone is trying to put you down. He takes care of you when you’re tired and he appreciates how hard you work. He’s the one who cheers you-up when you lose and he’s the one who cheers for you when you win.

He’s not keeping you to himself so he can protect you. You’re there because he sees you as his property. You may have shown him (without realizing it) that you’re not as serious about the possibility of a relationship with him as he is, and this may have put him off from committing to you. You know he’s a great guy, but he’s slightly emotionally reserved and withdrawn. He keeps a part of himself sheltered away not only from you but from the rest of the world.

He can’t  allow himself to be in a relationship without him first getting the important thing done. Talking on the phone is an auditory act…he can’t flow with it as well as you can. You letting out your anger might not change the fact that calling is work for men, but at least it will lower your stress hormones over this and allow you to relax. Any woman who has had a man be in love with her knows this.

Watch The Video: 9 Unmistakable Signs He’s Not Serious About You and Won’t Commit

If playing second string is not OK with you, then I advise you to move on. When it comes to understanding men, they often demonstrate exactly what they’re thinking if you can just step back and observe objectively. It doesn’t matter whether they say this directly to you or just suggest it. If they find you hot, they will call you babe.