Despite currently being misunderstood, scorpio men are some of one of the most intense, passionate, and constant creatures you can get in a romance. But before you jump click here for more info into a long lasting relationship with one, it may be important to determine what makes them tick and how they’ll react once you will get to know these people better.

Generally, Picies men are highly competitive and goal-oriented, which are often both good and bad in a marriage. Their hyper-focused approach could make them dangerously envious, especially if that they feel the partner is not 100% committed for the relationship.

They’re regularily stubborn, that may result in power struggles if yours is a relationship that requires you to communicate. Typically, this happens when he’s during something, and he does not prefer to give up his vision or switch his point of view to accommodate your own.

A Scorpio guy can be quite possessive of his partner, and this feature is often a sign that he’s in love with you. You will see this in action if he makes an effort to keep you away from anybody else and only enable you to be with him.

If he feels vulnerable, he’ll be very protective of you and would not hesitate to defend his family and friend. This is a great way for him to exhibit his emotion and trustworthiness, nevertheless it’s crucial for you to treat him with respect if he does this.

When a Scorpio guy gets in the feelings for sex, it will be really passionate and intense. This is due to their horoscope connection to Roter planet (umgangssprachlich), which is known for its energetic, vivacious impact.