Chapter 7: Child Brides and Mail Order Brides The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations

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The Cause and Consequence of Human Trafficking: Human Rights Violations

§1375. Mail-order bride business

Human trafficking is a heinous crime that involves the exploitation and coercion of individuals for labor or sexual purposes. It is a violation of basic human rights and dignity, as victims are often forced into situations against their will and subjected to deplorable living conditions.

The Term Is Problematic

The causes of human trafficking are complex and multifaceted. Poverty, lack of education, political instability, and gender inequality are all contributing factors that make individuals vulnerable to exploitation. In many cases, traffickers prey on the most vulnerable members of society, such as women and children, who are often lured with promises of a better life or job opportunities.

Why are mail order brides so popular among Western men?

One form of human trafficking that has gained significant attention in recent years is the phenomenon of mail order brides. This practice involves the arrangement of marriages between individuals from different countries, often with one party being coerced or deceived into the marriage.

Are mail order brides legal? Are mail order brides real?

Mail order brides are typically women from developing countries who are seeking a better life abroad. They are often promised financial security, a better standard of living, and the opportunity to escape poverty and hardship. However, many of these women end up in exploitative and abusive situations, where they are treated as commodities and denied basic human rights.

The consequences of human trafficking, including mail order bride schemes, are devastating for the victims involved. They suffer physical and emotional harm, loss of autonomy, and long-term psychological trauma. Many are unable to escape their situation due to fear of reprisal from their traffickers or lack of support networks.

In order to combat human trafficking and protect the rights of vulnerable individuals, governments, law enforcement agencies, and civil society organizations must work together to raise awareness, strengthen legal frameworks, and provide support services for victims. By addressing the root causes of trafficking and holding perpetrators accountable, we can help prevent this egregious violation of human rights and ensure justice for those who have been exploited.


1. Mail order brides are women who typically come from developing countries and seek marriage with a foreign man through a matchmaking agency.

2. These women often view marrying a foreign man as a way to improve their living conditions and provide better opportunities for themselves and their families.

3. While some mail order bride agencies are legitimate and facilitate successful marriages, there are also many scams in this industry.

4. Scammers may pose as potential husbands, promising love and a better life in exchange for money or gifts.

5. Some scammers may even go as far as to create fake profiles of non-existent women to lure unsuspecting men into sending them money.

6. It’s important for individuals interested in finding a mail order bride to thoroughly research the agency they plan to use and be cautious of any red flags.

7. Red flags to watch out for include requests for money or expensive gifts early on in the relationship, inconsistencies in the information provided by the potential bride, and reluctance to meet in person.

8. If you suspect that you are being scammed by a mail order bride agency, it’s crucial to cease all communication and report them to the appropriate authorities.

9. Remember that while there are genuine women seeking marriage through mail order bride agencies, there are also dishonest individuals looking to take advantage of vulnerable people. Stay vigilant and trust your instincts when navigating this industry.

Mail-order brides are a real thing

Mail-order brides are a real thing that has been around for centuries. It is a practice where men from wealthy countries, typically in the Western world, seek out women from less developed countries to marry and bring back to their home country.

These women, known as mail-order brides, often come from countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, or Latin America where economic conditions are tough and opportunities for women are limited.

There are various reasons why both men and women participate in this practice. For the men, it may be a desire to find a traditional wife who will take care of the household and family. For the women, it may be a chance to escape poverty and improve their quality of life.

Mail-order brides agencies facilitate these arrangements by matching men with potential brides and helping them navigate the legal and logistical challenges of international marriage. These agencies often charge fees for their services and require background checks to ensure the safety of both parties.

While some people see mail-order brides as a form of exploitation or human trafficking, others argue that it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties involved. It is important to note that not all mail-order marriages end in disaster, and some couples do go on to have successful and fulfilling relationships.

However, there have been cases of abuse and mistreatment of mail-order brides, highlighting the need for regulation and oversight in this industry. Some countries have implemented laws to protect the rights of mail-order brides and prevent exploitation.

Overall, mail-order brides are a complex and controversial phenomenon that raises questions about gender, power, and globalization. While it is important to acknowledge the risks and challenges involved, it is also essential to recognize the agency and autonomy of the women who choose to participate in this practice.

Who Are Mail Order Brides And How To Get A Foreign Wife?

Best Mail Order Brides & Foreign Dating Sites

Mail order brides have been a popular option for men seeking a foreign bride for decades. With the rise of online dating sites and international matchmaking services, finding a potential partner from another country has never been easier.

When it comes to choosing the best mail order bride site, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the site is reputable and has a good track record of successful matches. Look for reviews and testimonials from other users to gauge the site’s reliability.

Another important aspect to consider is the variety of women available on the site. A good mail order bride site should have a diverse selection of women from different countries and backgrounds, so you can find someone who suits your preferences and interests.

In addition to the quality of the women on the site, you’ll also want to consider the services and features offered. Some sites offer translation services, romance tours, and other perks that can make the process of finding a foreign bride easier and more enjoyable.

It’s also important to be aware of the costs associated with using a mail order bride site. While some sites are free to join, others may require a membership fee or charge additional fees for premium features. Make sure to read the fine print and understand the pricing structure before signing up.

Overall, finding a mail order bride can be a rewarding experience if you choose the right site and approach the process with an open mind and realistic expectations. Whether you’re looking for love, companionship, or a new cultural experience, there are plenty of options out there to help you find your perfect match.

Men’s motivations for seeking a mail order spouse

Men may seek a mail order spouse for a variety of reasons, ranging from convenience to cultural preferences. One common motivation is the desire to find a partner who shares similar values and beliefs. In some cases, men may struggle to find a suitable partner in their local dating pool, leading them to explore international options.

  • A young mail order bride might not be interested in marriage and continue looking for another partner, so it’s not an arranged marriage.
  • Our mission is to help you connect with women from other countries who are eager to meet Western men.
  • Usually, it’s the combination of different social, cultural, personal, and political reasons, and they vary from region to region and from country to country.
  • In least-developed countries, a child bride might not even meet her future husband before the wedding day.
  • The AODA case was terminated when the plaintiffs withdrew their claim.

Additionally, some men may be drawn to the idea of a mail order bride because of the perceived traditional gender roles that are often associated with these relationships. They may seek a partner who is more submissive or family-oriented, qualities that they believe are lacking in Western women.

Financial considerations can also play a role in a man’s decision to seek a mail order spouse. In some cases, men may believe that they can find a more financially stable partner from a different country, or they may see marriage as a way to improve their own financial situation.

Cultural differences can also be a motivating factor for men seeking a mail order bride. Some men may be attracted to women from specific countries because of their unique cultural traditions or physical appearance.

everything you need to know about mail order brides

Overall, the motivations for seeking a mail order spouse can vary greatly from one individual to another. While some men may have genuine intentions of finding love and companionship, others may be motivated by more superficial or problematic reasons. It is important for both parties to approach these relationships with caution and consideration for each other’s well-being.

Common myths and stereotypes about mail order brides

Common myths and stereotypes about mail order brides

Mail order brides have been the subject of numerous myths and stereotypes over the years. These misconceptions can often paint these women in a negative light, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and assumptions.

  • In those early days, advertisements cost five to fifteen cents, and letters were exchanged along with photographs.
  • Getting this visa is a must if you’re planning to bring your future spouse to the US.
  • Amira’s parents were married when her mother was 13 and her father was 20 years old; similar to each of their parents.
  • More mail order brides are interested in meeting males who will be much better than their local men.
  • Remember that the success of a relationship depends on both partners and their desire to have a strong marriage.

Myth: Mail order brides are only after money

One of the most common misconceptions about mail order brides is that they are solely interested in financial gain. While there may be instances where this is true, it is important to recognize that many mail order brides are seeking genuine love and companionship.

Myth: Mail order brides are submissive and docile

Another prevalent stereotype about mail order brides is that they are submissive and passive. This is simply not true. Many mail order brides are strong, independent women who are looking for equal partnerships with their partners.

Myth: Mail order brides are uneducated and desperate

There is a misconception that mail order brides are uneducated and desperate individuals who have no other options. In reality, many mail order brides are well-educated and come from diverse backgrounds.

Myth: Mail order brides are victims of trafficking

While human trafficking is a serious issue that should not be ignored, it is unfair to label all mail order brides as victims of trafficking. Many women enter into mail order bride arrangements willingly, seeking better opportunities for themselves and their families.

What you need to know about mail order brides

It is important to approach the topic of mail order brides with an open mind and avoid falling prey to harmful stereotypes and myths. These women deserve to have their stories heard and respected, rather than being reduced to simplistic and inaccurate portrayals.

By educating ourselves and challenging these misconceptions, we can help create a more inclusive and understanding society for all individuals, including mail order brides.